Our services
Web and mobile application development
- Do you wish to improve your efficiency with optimized investment?
- Do you need to upgrade and modernize your IT system?
- Do you wish to broaden your service spectrum
- Have you identified the need for a customised web application?
In case there are no written business requirements document for the desired application:
Through one or several meetings, depending on the complexity of your needs, we will identify and articulate your requirements and write a synthetized report outlining the main points. We will then agree on the best way forward and decide together of the necessity to write an elaborated business specifications document.
In case a business specification document is needed, we invite you to check out our actual offer for “Creation of specifications document”.
Some projects are simple and straightforward, and in that case, no elaborate business specifications document is needed.
Some projects tend to be more complex and likely to evolve in scope as it progresses, we recommend in both cases a development approach based on the “Agile Methodology” as described below.
In case you already have a written expression of your requirements or a Business requirements document has already been drafted:
We will proceed in four main stages as follows:
Understanding your project : We start by analyzing your BRD and /or detailed specifications and list all questions and remarks that we would like to discuss with you. After one or several meetings/discussions with you we will propose a suitable approach for the development of your application.
Elaboration of a Planning (PLAN) :
- Once we agree on the strategy for the development of your software, we will define a timeline according to your needs and allocated resources.
- As soon as everything is set up and ready, we will arrange a kick-off meeting with all parties to ensure that everything is in order and that everyone has the same level of informationIn accordance with the agreed timeline, we will set up the technical (Version control system, software development environment and user testing) features as well as the human ressources (Project manager, software developer or development team and optional user testing team) necessary for the development of your application.
Development (BUILD) : Now that everything is ready, the development team can start execution as per the chosen approach following the predefined timeline.
- Production run (RUN) : Once the application is successfully completed and running, we will assist with its implementation. And through our “Third Party Application Managment” services we provide further continuous support for the maintenance of the system.
Unarticulated or undocumented business needs
In case there are no written business requirements document for the desired application:
Through one or several meetings, depending on the complexity of your needs, we will identify and articulate your requirements and write a synthetized report outlining the main points. We will then agree on the best way forward and decide together of the necessity to write an elaborated business specifications document.
- In case a business specification document is needed, we invite you to check out our actual offer for “Creation of specifications document”.
- Some projects are simple and straightforward, and in that case, no elaborate business specifications document is needed.
- Some projects tend to be more complex and likely to evolve in scope as it progresses, we recommend in both cases a development approach based on the “Agile Methodology” as described below.
Exisiting Business Requirements document
In case you already have a written expression of your requirements or a Business requirements document has already been drafted:
We will proceed in four main stages as follows:
- Understanding your project : We start by analyzing your BRD and /or detailed specifications and list all questions and remarks that we would like to discuss with you. After one or several meetings/discussions with you we will propose a suitable approach for the development of your application.
- Elaboration of a Planning (PLAN) :
• Once we agree on the strategy for the development of your software, we will define a timeline according to your needs and allocated resources.
• As soon as everything is set up and ready, we will arrange a kick-off meeting with all parties to ensure that everything is in order and that everyone has the same level of informationIn accordance with the agreed timeline, we will set up the technical (Version control system, software development environment and user testing) features as well as the human ressources (Project manager, software developer or development team and optional user testing team) necessary for the development of your application.
- Development (BUILD) : Now that everything is ready, the development team can start execution as per the chosen approach following the predefined timeline.
- Production run (RUN) : Once the application is successfully completed and running, we will assist with its implementation. And through our “Third Party Application Managment” services we provide further continuous support for the maintenance of the system.
Web or Mobile Application development as per Agile methodology
The Agile methodology is an incremental and iterative development approach, in which the whole development process is divided into short phases or cycles (2 to 3 weeks at most). A minimal involvement from you will be expected at the beginning and end of each cycle to minimize misunderstandings and to be able to easily integrate any eventual change or new specifications without having to go through the long and tedious process of costs estimation and validation.
And having from the start specified the resources you wish to allocate to your project according to your deadlines and costs constraints, you continue to have full control of your monthly recurrent budget while being free to develop the specifications as you wish.
This allows for the better risk distribution (e.g. budget overruns) between the two parties and avoids the need for deliberately inflated estimates usually necessary to cover the risk of schedule overrun.
In return, you will no longer have to go through the stages of drawing up detailed and unchangeable business specifications, unless you have to review the budget.
In short, it is a flexible and fair solution for both parties.
Third Party Application Maintenance (TPAM)
- Are you running out of resources for the maintenance of your in-house applications?
- Are your actual maintenance costs too high?
- Is your current maintenance not or no longer adapted to your needs?
If you wish to upgrade, improve, or correct your existing application, we provide Third Party Application Maintenance service. TPAM includes both the evolutionary and corrective maintenance aspects of your application. It takes place in three phases:
Integration / Project learning
We spend time talking to you, to the members of your team who have sound knowledge of your business activity as well as the users of your application including, if possible, those who have been involved in its development. Through these discussions we learn about the functionalities of your application and your business operation. At the end of this phase:
- A functional and technical documentation is compiled describing all the information collected as factually and comprehensively as possible.
- The source code of your application is retrieved and the development environment is set up.
- An initial list of recommendations is submitted to you.
Leveling up / Skill upgrading
We have now acquired sufficient knowledge of your system to start handling the first corrective or evolutionary maintenance requests, while simultaneously deepening our practical knowledge of your application. Any recommendations that have been made by us and approved by you during the initial phase, will be also implemented.
Once a sufficient number of modifications have been carried by our teams and successfully deployed in production, we can agree together to move on to the next phase.
The real life of the contract has now begun and all corrections, upgrades, optimizations including the most complex requests can be carried out.
Software Development Staffing
- Do you need extra support for your project or development teams?
- Are you looking for special talents in one of our core fields of expertise?
- Do you have a large and complex project and are in need of additional skilled developers to integrate your team?
After an initial discussion, we identify the developer profile best suited for your project and provide the skills needed to match your project. We also take into consideration your existing in-house resources and when necessary provide you with skilled project managers to provide support and manage the developers. Indeed, while developers focus on designing and developing the application, an experienced project manager is needed as a communication bridge and to provide technical and functional support and ensure maximum efficiency and performance. Especially if the developer is working remotely.
Project Manager / Developer duo
This model aims for high quality service as it includes a project manager with one or several developers. The project manager is your main contact point, he manages the development team as well as the whole project, ensuring a successful and timely completion of your project.
- Individual Software development skillsIf you already have an in-house skilled project manager with enough experience to supervise developers, you can choose our offer “Developer profile service”. In this case, our project manager will only be involved in the overall management of the service by taking part in regular meetings once a week or once a month.
In a similar concept as with an individual developer, a complete team of software developers with or without project manager can also be put at your disposal.
Developers / Project Managers
After an initial discussion, we identify the developer profile best suited for your project and provide the skills needed to match your project. We also take into consideration your existing in-house resources and when necessary provide you with skilled project managers to provide support and manage the developers. Indeed, while developers focus on designing and developing the application, an experienced project manager is needed as a communication bridge and to provide technical and functional support and ensure maximum efficiency and performance. Especially if the developer is working remotely.
- Project Manager / Developer duo
This model aims for high quality service as it includes a project manager with one or several developers. The project manager is your main contact point, he manages the development team as well as the whole project, ensuring a successful and timely completion of your project. - Individual Software development skills
If you already have an in-house skilled project manager with enough experience to supervise developers, you can choose our offer “Developer profile service”. In this case, our project manager will only be involved in the overall management of the service by taking part in regular meetings once a week or once a month.
A dedicated software development team
In a similar concept as with an individual developer, a complete team of software developers with or without project manager can also be put at your disposal.
Project owner support
Writing the Business requirements document
→ You have identified your business requirements but need support to articulate them and find a suitable solution?
→ Your business processes are on paper or Word/Excel and you wish to fully digitalize them?
→ You have an idea for an app and you are unsure about what it would take in terms of time and costs for its realization?
After one or several meetings, depending on the complexity of your project, we will draw up a detailed specifications document that will enable you to see clearly both the functional aspects of what you want and the estimated budget needed to fulfill the project either with us or with a solution provider. This business requirement document will enable you to decide if you wish to go ahead with the project
Deliverable : Business Requirements Document
If needed, we can also extend our services to include research and qualification of existing market solutions that would correspond to the Business Requirements Document.
See our offer “Application development with detailed specifications/business needs”.
Business Analysis
→ Do you need a detailed expressions and analysis of your business needs and processes in view of developing an application?
→ Do you need a coordinator between your user services and the IT department ?
We take care of all the tasks involved in connection with your IT department for the development or implementation of an IT solution that meets your needs. This includes:
→ Compiling a detailed analysis of your processes and business in the form of functional specifications or user stories to convey to the IT development teams or solution providers, the type of application that needs to be created or the functionalities you wish to implement.
→ Supervising the development of the application by making sure your business needs are understood and taken into consideration while providing functional support to the development teams.
→ Testing of the developed applications to verify they meet all the specified business requirements.
Tools – Methodologies – Technologies
- Agile, Scrum, DevOps (CI/CD), DevSecOps
- PHP, Symfony, Laravel, NodeJS, ReactJS, React Native
- Java, Windev, Webdev
- Prestashop, WordPress, WooCommerce,
- Docker, Git, Gitlab, Jira, SwaggerHub, Ticketing